Saturday, 21 February 2009

The best question of all

"Why?" is an excellent question. The best question of all.

Why? I hear you ask? An excellent question. It offers insights other questions just can't provide. "What?" is focused on things. "How?" is interested in the mechanics. But "Why?" offers the chance to explain the things beneath the How and the What.

Why do people kill and rape?
Why am I writing this when I should be going to bed?
Why are random traffic cop shows so compelling (even when you know they're ridiculous)?
Why are people losing their jobs?
Why can't they play something other than Take That on the radio?
Why did the chicken cross the road? *
Why do we crave the things we crave?
Why is that thing done that way?

Now if only the answers were as good as the questions...

* to get to the other side, obviously.